One scatterbrained teacher taking it a day at a time and trying to incorporate as much technology, fun, and glitter as humanly possible.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wordless Wednesdays {July 30th}

Today is a busy day! It is day 3 of our TCRWP Homegrown Writing Workshop. I am so excited to share everything that I have learned, but now it's time to link up for Wordless Wednesday!

Sorry in advance for anyone who doesn't like feet....

I sprained my ankle last weekend and I'm in my little sister's wedding this weekend. Thankfully, we are wearing long gowns, but you know how brides can be in the days before their wedding. She looks sweet (on the right below), but when she finds out tonight she might not be too happy with me. 

Has anyone else had a similar situation with something funny happening at the worst possible time? :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh no...I'm going to have nightmares now. I am getting married in 4 months. I hope your sister was okay with your ankle. Feel better!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
